With skyrocketing fuel prices, shaving a few cents off per gallon of fuel could mean putting some hard earned cash back into your vacation fund. When you are driving in a location you are not familiar with, you are likely to go to the first gas station that comes up when you see you are low in fuel. With technology in our hands, another way is to use smartphone apps to look up prices around the route of your destination.
Apps that Find the Cheapest Gas
The fastest way to find the cheapest gas is to use smartphone apps to look up prices in the immediate area. Download a few of these before the big trip and you won't be gouged by a random gas station you pull up.
Waze allows travelers to see the prices of fuel at gas stations near their planned route to make an informed decision about where to fill up.
GasBuddy scans the area for the cheapest fuel prices, and also allows users to pay for gas with the app at certain locations. Plus, users can complete challenges–like reporting prices–to win free gas.
AAA Mobile combines route planning with a tool to find the cheapest gas prices during the trip, as well as hotels, restaurants and other points of interest.
Gas Guru is specifically designed to find cheap gas, and displays the options on a map as well in a list.
GetUpside shows the cheapest gas prices in the region, and also offers up to 25 cents cash back on each gallon when users redeem offers through the app and take a photo of their receipt.